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Said and Done
There are so many stories and thoughts I'd like to share. I consider them noteworthy, or, blogworthy if you will.
Posts are organized by categories, shown below, for easy access. Please use the Contact page to share comments and/or questions.
Feb 27, 2014
Wish You Were Here
I live in the central village of a seaside New England town old enough to celebrate a 375th anniversary this year. Those of us who live...

Feb 4, 2014
Live Radio Interview
The prospect of being interviewed recently on live radio was exciting, but I felt a little nervous as I drove to Woods Hole and parked...

Jan 8, 2014
A Winter Window
Although this little horse is a gift from New Mexico, he will always remind me of Cape Cod snowstorms, good friends and expectations. In...
Dec 8, 2013
Writing About a Provincetown Artist
Because writing is generally a solitary activity, writers need to cultivate and maintain social contacts. For me the Cape Cod branch of...
Nov 25, 2013
Pilgrim Cuisine Revisited
How do we know what the Pilgrims ate or how they cooked? With Thanksgiving a few days away, I’d like to offer readers my article on the...
Nov 22, 2013
Thornton W. Burgess & JFK
Fifty years ago today, Thornton Burgess, then 89, learned along with the rest of the world the devastating news that President John F....

Oct 22, 2013
The Process of Discovery
At "A Book in Hand" author's forum in Dennis, Massachusetts, I spoke last month to a group of writers about the process of discovery...

Oct 15, 2013
A Writer's Firsts!
Every writer has dreams. A few dreams of mine have become reality in recent months. Let me share with you writing "firsts" that have come...

Oct 8, 2013
Who Named Peter Rabbit?
If you have been introduced to a delightful animal character named Peter Rabbit in the works of both Beatrix Potter and Thornton Burgess,...
Oct 1, 2013
The Naming of a Book
My original title for this book came easily after I began to research it: The Legacy of Thornton W. Burgess. The first time I wrote those...
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